Awareness and Conservation Education for Kids
Evolving Eco-Education

Which Mission Will You Choose?
Each Module contains a series of Adventures called
“Missions” for you to embark on with the STEMA Kids.

Want to learn more about all of
In the STEMAverse, we believe that no training is complete without a splash of Art, Design, and Style! Using Science, Technology, Engineering, Math, and Art/A.I., we made these amazing STEM toys just for you!

We’ve all heard of STEM, and the importance of learning through these academic disciplines, but equally important is the sometimes neglected ‘’A’’ branch of Art and AI. These fantastic toys will teach children science, technology, engineering, and math in a fun and unique way!
Hundreds of Missions!
The STEMAverse is divided into Modules. Each Module contains a series of Adventures called “Missions” for you to embark on with the STEMA Kids. Using Science, Technology, Engineering, Math, and Art, there are hundreds of fun projects to build along the way!
Have FUN!!!
Enjoy your time with the STEMA Kids and the wonderful creatures that populate the STEMAverse. There is only one law to observe while visiting:
Learning = FUN !
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STEMA Kids Invites DEMA Show Attendees to Save The Oceans Using Innovative STEM Toy Set
This week, Orlando, Florida plays host to diving enthusiasts, and companies with the latest in dive technology. For one exhibitor, the show also provides an excellent opportunity to get youth to think about real world solutions to preserve the oceans for future generations through an alternative to traditional STEM learning. The STEMA Kids marine conservation learning toy set sends players on 16 different missions. Each mission includes a story which educates players about STEM learning and...